Hello, long time no see, I just changed this blog’s name. Its old name was Techies Eat Ramen. I think that is probably hard for everyone to remember, so I tried to get a more memeroable/simpler one. This is it (before I come up with something else). Sorry for any inconvenience.
My phone had some problems while updating a couple days ago. There were no other solutions for me other than to reset it. Consequently, all my data stored on the phone would be wiped out. Here are some things I learned in the process of trying to fix my phone while backing up my data:
Backing up your data is like insurance; you don’t think you’ll need it except when you do
I am not a big fan of backing up my data. I play lots of games, take a lot of pictures, and download every single piece of Internet I can touch my hands on. Backing up everything is a nightmare, especially when I was only limited by the free version, i.e., limited storage and uploading time. I tend to shrug it off and tell myself that I don’t need to back up my data.
Until I do.
When my phone pretty much just straight up asked me to wipe out its memory, I panicked because there were so many things in that phone I didn’t want to lose forever: pictures of my beloved, things I wouldn’t ever experience again, etc. I underestimated the importance of backing up until I absolutely needed it.
Backing up is like doing exercises; it’s not healthy to do everything all at once
Of course, I panicked. And I tried to back up everything in the cloud. And IT WAS NOT FUN. Backing up everything all at once takes forever. I legitimately spent a whole day at home just to back up my data.
I learned that one of the things you should look for in a cloud service is the ability to just back up your data automatically; otherwise, set up a reminder to do it by yourself once in a while.
Choosing what needed to be backed up and what not showed my priority
The whole day I spent at home just backing up my data—that was even after I deleted most of my other data. It was a mental fight between wanting to keep all my files and the frustration of uploading all of them. At the end of the day, I only uploaded 20% of my storage.
What data did I pack up? Some things that I know are important to me. Things that I know I will regret not having in the future. Everything else would have to go. And in the process of doing that, it showed my priority.
Don’t wait until you absolutely need it to back up your data, guys.
Well, this is probably the last post I'll write this year. Thank you for bearing with my unbearable writing this whole year. If you haven’t subscribed but like my writings, you can do it here (I promise this button won’t lead you to any shady websites other than mine).
Otherwise, I wish you a happy new year.